Happy Sunday! Here's your weekly overview of what's happening at Passion Church.

Featured Announcements


SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 2025 | 8:00am | Heritage Church

All the men of Passion Church are encouraged to sign up for this year's Iron Sharpens Iron. You can sign up online or in person on Sunday Morning.

This conference is not your normal conference, it is a day of equipping. The conference is open to ages 13 on up. If you have any questions talk with Scott Schaefer.


Sunday, March 2, 2025 | 12:15pm | Passion Church

If you want to be part of all God is doing at Passion Church, we invite you to join the Dream Team by attending our Next Steps class on the first Sunday of the month, right after 2nd Service at 12:15pm

This class will give you a basic introduction to the story, beliefs and structure of Passion Church, as well as a guide for how you can get connected and join the church. It will also help you discover how God uniquely created you through understanding your personality and spiritual gifts, you will be prepared to serve others in the way God designed. This is your opportunity to get connected to a ministry team at Passion Church. Based on your personality and spiritual gifts, you will be able to connect with a member of the team that best fits your design.


Friday, March 7, 2025 | 5:30pm | Passion Church

Passion YTH are putting a Trivia Night. The theme of this year will be Awards Night!
There will be a taco bar and desserts provided. This event is for adults only so there will be no childcare provide.

All donations take in from this event will help in sending our students and leaders to BOLD Conference this summer. If you have any questions you can reach out to our Youth Director Jacob Cain.


SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 2025 | 8:00am | Heritage Church 

All the women of Passion Church are encouraged to sign up for this year's Iron Sharpens Iron. You can sign up online or in person on Sunday Morning.

This conference is not your normal conference, it is a day of equipping. The conference is open to ages 13 on up. If you have any questions talk with Brenda Schaefer.

Weekly Activites

Foundations | SUNDAYS 9:50AM | Passion Church
Passion YTH | WEDNESDAYS 6PM | Passion Church
Saturate | WEDNESDAYS 6:30PM | Passion Church